Archive Magazine CD 1995
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Help on !ImpChars v1.00P
This application displays the character set in a window and allows
characters to be entered by clicking on them (with SELECT). Unlike
other similiar utilities, it has been written to work with Impression
and passes font information to Impression along with the character
itself. This makes it very easy to enter a Dingbats or Symbol font
character by clicking on a character without messing around with
styles or effects to tell Impression which font to use.
The four buttons labelled DINGBATS, SYMBOL, SYSTEM and TRINITY give
quick access to the most common fonts which are used for special symbols,
while other fonts can be selected from the Fonts menu.
If a System font character is clicked on then the character is entered
without any font information (and this is suitable for use with any
program). However, if an outline font is used then an Impression DDF
string will be used to define a font effect around the single character.
Characters such as ±, µ and ½ should therefore be entered using the
system font, to avoid using an effect unnecessarily. The ImpChars
prgram is really useful when using Dingbat, Greek or Symbol font
characters when the font effect is essential to get the correct symbol.
With RISC OS 3 the System font is automatically defined to be the same
as the Latin 1 character set used by the Trinity and Homerton font
families, but with RISC OS 2, a few characters (including smart quotes)
are not the same. RISC OS 2 users are best using the alternative
system font available on the Archive magazine disc for issue 5.6. The
Trinity or Homerton fonts can be selected to access these characters
with RISC OS 2 but then an effect will be entered into Impression to
choose that particular font.
An extra facility is provided for entering characters into a menu item.
Because clicking in another window would close any existing menu tree,
!Chars allows you to press the ALT key while the pointer is over a
character in its window, which has the same effect as clicking SELECT on the
character, but does not close any menus.
NOTE this has been changed to ALT, as it it is soooooo aggravating when
you are typing and using SHIFT or CTRL and an extra character is inserted
because you forgot to move the pointer off the Chars window!
This version of !Chars (as it was originaly called) is a demonstration of
the use of FontMenu. It is adapted by J.RÖling, the author of FontMenu. See
the docomentation of FontMenu (FntMenuDoc) for a detailed discription of how
to program using the FontMenu menu. See also the (BASIC) !RunImage file for
its comments. (!RunImageC contains the 'Hard way', as discribed in FntMenuDoc)
This version of !Chars now has another useful feature- You can resize
the character display to make the characters bigger. At last, you will be
able to SEE all the ¨©ª«¬®¯°±¹²³´·¸¼½¾ characters!!
To do this, resize the window in the normal way, then bring up the menu
and choose 'Resize'. This will scale the characters to fit into the new
window size. You can now also make the window smaller again, and by
scrolling, show only those lines of characters that you need, which makes
this utility far more easy to use, and you can more easily identify those
squitty characters! (J.Williams)
Impression compatibility was added by Paul Skirrow, March 1992.